boy meets girl


{ white shirt : zovi, neon striped shirt : fashion street, shorts : custom made, bag : baggit, scarf : colaba, shoes : aldo, ring : gift from shanaya, belt : gift from mom, necklace : gift from mom, bangles : hill road, sunnies : prada minimal baroque }

As if a girl’s life wasn’t complicated enough, ‘kissing a lot of frogs before you find your prince’ doesn’t apply to just boys anymore! I kid you not, after years of searching for the quintessential white shirt (and a lot of moolah down the tubes!) my prayers were answered at Zovi - a men’s shopping portal. Classic without being boring, this baby isn’t only the perfect fit and length but is made of fine Egyptian cotton and got here just before my first day of work.Now that that’s out of the way, bring on the frogs!

What are your wardrobe staples? Tell me about them in the comments section.Bisou bisou,


  1. I have been on the lookout for that perfect white shirt for the longest time too!!!!
    I’m so glad you found yours!!
    I hope I find my white cotton frog soon!!!

  2. I am yet to find the perfect LBD. I have a couple of them, but not the PERFECT one :(…still looking!

    Love your outfit.. Super Smart!!

  3. Ha ha, men’s shirts tend to always fit better especially on women! Love what you did with it. Working those prada’s again!


  4. U look so cute hun, and that green bag is so pretty!!!:)
    p.s. In order to celebrate its first b-day I’m having a giveaway on my blog- Glam Chameleon Jewelry necklace. Check it out, maybe u’ll like it!!;)
    Jelena (

  5. Nirmolak : Aww! Haha! White cotton frog = too cute!

    Jahn : Good luck! Hope you find it soon! My advice? Look in a place you wouldn’t normally! ;)

    The Jaipur Diaries : So sweet! Thankyou!

    SJ : Thanks! :)

  6. YvonnaLivianna : Totally agree! Thanks! :)

    Glam Chameleon : Thankyou! :) Will def check it out!

    Rainbow Coverse Shoes: Haha thanks! :D

  7. im sorry you look like the traffic police with neon guards on! i mean seriously promoting zovi at the risk of your rep…JOKES

  8. Lookin great girl! Really lovin your blog! Some great advice here. And may suggest something? Watch this –

    It’s not spam. It’s for a good cause, donating your old clothes. Anyone can do it, so please spread the word!

  9. Anonymous : I agree about the traffic cop thing! Lol!!! Good observation! As for promoting Zovi…i did it cos I genuinely believe in the fit of the shirt. I’m sure nobody here will grudge me that..its an honest opinion. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment :)

    Anjali : Thankyou so much! :) Will def look into it. Sounds good!

  10. I love everything!
    Happy Thanksgiving! Even if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, wishing you joy, happiness & health!


  11. love the neon striped skirt!!

    I really like your blog, I follow you :D
    … maybe if you have time, you could visit my blog too, and if you like it, follow me back ;)

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